CEM 333 PARRAMATTA CEMETERIES SAINT PAUL’S - CARLINGFORD This book includes records and transcriptions for St. Paul’s, Carlingford, from Private and Demolished Cemeteries of the Parramatta area. Cemeteries covered are:- St Paul’s Cemetery (Carlingford), Pearce Private Cemetery (Seven Hills), Burns Private Cemetery (North Parramatta), Maris Cemetery (Old Toongabbie), Oatlands Private Cemetery and the Benedictine Cemetery (Rydalmere). Not only the transcriptions recorded, the description of the Headstone itself is noted.
CEM 334 COONABARABRAN – MORE THAN A NAME ON A ROLL. In this book you will find information of people in the “Unknown Graves” in the Coonabarabran Cemetery, covering a dates of death range from 1860s to 1970s, including stillbirths to the ninety year plus age group. Stories and photographs from families have been included. You will find the Index at the front of the book. Well worth a look.
CEM263B WYONG DISTRICT CEMETERY RECORDS INDEX TO AUGUST 2016. This book was complied by WFHG and includes burials (and niches) at Jilliby and Noraville Cemeteries and the burials at Rokana, St Barnabas (Yarramalong) and Yarramalong Cemeteries. It is an Index only. Updated from previous Wyong Gravediggers.
REG 335 COWRA – THEY SHAPED A TOWN CALLED COWRA, Vol 2, 21015. Stories of people that contributed to the Cowra community over the years, from all backgrounds. James Adam – Apostle of the Saddle & Master Builder of the West; Phillip Thomas Andrews – Harness Racing Driver; Janet Kerr – Nursing Sister, Casuality of War; Thomas Scott Plunkett – Pioneer, Carpenter, Builder are just some of the people mentioned.
ENG050 ST CATHERINE’S HOUSE DISTRICTS This book contains a list of over 650 districts with details of Counties, Sub-Districts and Adjacent Districts.
ENG036 PREVIOUS OFFENCES – SUSSEX CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS IN THE PAST. Written by W H Johnson, ‘it recounts nine different crimes from 1800 to 1851, each being followed by extracts from newspapers, of other criminal activities which may deepen the reader’s understanding of both the topic and the period,’ as written in the introduction. This may be of interest to anyone who has a criminal/convict from this area and time.
CON097 COLONIAL MURDERS – THE AHERN CASE 1845 This book begins in Ireland describing the times and conditions in the early 1800’s, followed by details of the transportation of the Ahern siblings, Ellen, Margaret, John and Johanna. The murder of Mary Ann Clark is the last part of the Ahern story. The book finishes with an appendix describing the Convict System and the Female Factory. Would be of interest to people connected to this family or for general information on those early years.
ENG035 MY ANCESTOR WAS A FREEMASON Written by Pat Lewis this booklet is limited to England and Wales and is a guide for people who know or think their ancestors belonged to the Masons, in researching this part of their history. As every Freemason must first be a member of a Craft Lodge, your search must begin with Craft Freemasonry. Indexed.
ENG030 DEADLY DETAILS A guide to some causes of death listed on death certificates, 2nd edition by Patricia Lay. A wonderful guide with some interesting medical conditions of the 19th Century; e.g. Cardiac Passion – the old name for heartburn. Quite an interesting book to use for understanding the terminologies used for cause of death.
LHS411 KINGS CROSS ALBUM Pictorial Memories of King Cross, Darlinghurst, Woolloomooloo and Rushcutters Bay, by Elizabeth Butel & Tom Thompson. The book covers the periods from 1788 to 1979 in both written history and many wonderful photos. You may recognize ancestors!!
ENG033 EARLY LONDON DISTRICT MARRIAGES Earliest date is Aug 1784 through to the 1830’s, broken into sections based on Churches and Ministers.
ATL 033 SUBURBAN LONDON A map showing the Parish Boundaries before 1837.
AHS146 With Its Hat About Its Ears – Recollections of the Bush School This is the story of the weatherboard, galvanised iron or stone one-teacher schools that began their rapid spread across rural Australia with the selectors and compulsory education acts of the 1870s. Since 1930 over 6000 Australian one-teacher schools have closed and in this book, the author Hank Nelson examines what was taught and what is now remembered. The book is rich with nostalgia and the result is engaging anecdote and significant social history.
ENG017 1821 & 1831 Census – St. Mary in the Castle, Hastings, Sussex Census returns in England have been taken every 10 years since 1801. The 1821 Census was taken on 28th May 1821 and the 1831 Census was taken on 30th May 1831. This is essentially a list of householders with numbers of males and females in each household, though the nature of the family occupation is indicated. The details were taken from lists that had been preserved locally either as drafts, or as copies. These lists are now in the East Sussex Record Office in Lewes, Sussex.
ENG021 Hastings Registered Electors 1836 -7 From 1832 the owners or tenants of buildings worth a minimum of 10 Pounds per annum, provided that they had resided in the property for at least a year prior to Registration day (15 July) and all poor rates and assessed taxes had been paid, were entitled to voting rights in this Cinque Port. These, then, together with the residue of the earlier freemen, were the electors of the Town and Port whose names were entered in the Register of 1836 – 1837. This booklet gives detail of name, trade/profession, employer and address. Indexed.
IRL011 The Story of ANTRIM The story of the great and the near great, the wise and otherwise, the rich and the poor of Ulster’s historic county town of Antrim – from the prehistoric past to modern times. Written by Alastair Smyth, this book is illustrated and fully indexed.
LHW076 “Stork Talk” The Northlakes Public School Yearbook – 1991 & 1992 This book tells the story of the first two years of establishment of this local Public School. It includes many photographs and stories, as well as examples of the student’s work.
LHW077 “Stork Talk” The Northlakes Public School Yearbook – 1993 More detail and photographs of this new school as teachers and parents work in partnership to provide quality educational outcomes.
MIL101 The Boys in Green A centenary History of the 1st Australian Horse and the Light Horse Units of Harden and Murrumburrah, New South Wales. This illustrated volume traces the life of this famous mounted regiment, from its first actions in South Africa (1899 – 1902) and its men’s experience as Light Horse in the Middle East. Includes a list of names of men enlisted from Harden and Murrumburrah and details of those on the Nominal Roll.
REG264 Eaglehawk & District Pioneer Register Volume 2 D – I Eaglehawk Victoria was founded on Gold. The diggers who came to the alluvial rushes in the 1850’s came from many countries. Some of these pioneers and their succeeding generations stayed, in some cases for over a century. This is the story of the miners, the pioneer women and children, the men of the church, the tradesmen, the small farmers, the early sportsmen and many, many others.
REG265 Eaglehawk & District Pioneer Register Volume 3 J – M These 2 volumes contain wonderful biographical details of those who lived and worked in this early gold mining area.
CEM329 Our Past Blue Mountaineers Vol 1. This book provides details of headstones to be found in Mount Irvine, Mount Victoria, Mount Wilson and Mount York Cemeteries. The records were checked clerically against Blue Mountains City Council records to ensure the integrity of the basic details of the inscriptions. Notations after unmarked graves are from Council or other records. Indexed.
CEM330 Eaglehawk Cemetery Plans Old Monumental. Includes maps of all sections of this 5 acre Historic Cemetery which has been in existence since 1863. The surnames of those believed to be buried in various plots are also included. Biographical details of the 6 Sextons from 1864 to 1970 are noted at the end of the publication.
CEM331 Where Heroes Sleep – Hunter Valley Fallen of the Great War. 1,981 Hunter Valley men died during the First World War on the ridges and in the gullies at Gallipoli, on the desert sands of Palestine, in the mud of France and Belgian Flanders or in the tunnels and mines galleries under the Western Front. 774 of these men have no known grave.
ENG012 Tracing Your Birmingham Ancestors. This book is about Birmingham’s transformation from provincial backwater to the first manufacturing town in the world. It tells how it shaped the modern world and how you can find your ancestors there. Indexed.
ENG013 Coroners’ Records in England and Wales. At the time of publication of this book, there were special rules concerning access to coroner’s records less than 75 years old. This book is an attempt to itemise all extant coroner’s records in England and Wales in public repositories. Included is an Atlas of Coroners’ Districts 1888 – 1902 for England and Wales.
ENG016 My Ancestor was a Bastard. A guide to sources for illegitimacy in England and Wales. Indexed. The above 6 books were kindly donated by Denis Dean. They would have been widely used for research by our dear late member, Esther Dean LM #23.
LHW075 Celebrating Tuggerah Public School 125 Years. In the past 25 years, this school has grown from a small school of 72 students into a school of over 520 students and has been entirely rebuilt with modern 21st century classrooms. This book tells of the entire 125 year history of the school and also gives a glimpse into the local history of the Tuggerah area. The book was kindly donated to WFHG Inc. by the Tuggerah 125th Committee.
CEM328 Badgery’s Creek Cemeteries. The areas of Badgery’s Creek, Luddenham, Kemps Creek and Bringelly are old farming areas first settled in the 1820’s by pioneer families. Three churches, Roman Catholic, Church of England and Methodist (Uniting), established themselves in the area and all had cemeteries consecrated within the church grounds. In 2014 the Federal Government announced that planning and construction of the Badgery’s Creek Airport would commence. The Catholic Cemetery was exhumed and relocated to the Greendale Catholic Cemetery at Greendale. This left the Anglican and Uniting Church cemeteries to be exhumed and relocated to other denomination cemeteries outside of the airport boundary. This book contains all known interments in St. John’s Church of England (Anglican) and Methodist (Uniting) Church cemeteries.
GUI134 DNA for Genealogists 3rd edition. Written by Kerry Farmer, this publication provides an understanding of DNA suitable for genealogists and discusses the currently available tests that are likely to be of interest to family historians. The second section tells how to interpret DNA test results. It will be a particularly useful read for those who will be attending the Group’s DNA Discussion on 2nd July at which Kerry Farmer will be the Guest Speaker. Indexed. This book was donated by Kerrie Metcalfe.
REG089D Coalmining Related Deaths Hunter Valley, NSW 1951-1975. This is the 4th book in this series which has been compiled by members of the Newcastle Family History Society. This book aims to assist family historians to discover information about their extended families, through funeral notices, burial details when available, reports of coronial inquiries and NSW State Records file numbers for inquests and worker’s compensation cases. The book also contains a combined index of the 4 volumes of Coalmining Related Deaths 1817 – 1975. Indexed.
LHW072 Wyong Flashbacks Volume 1. LHW073 Wyong Flashbacks Volume 11. LHW074 Wyong Flashbacks Volume 111. The 3 books listed above contain articles relevant to Wyong and its people as prepared by the Late Mr. Edward Hamilton Stinson, and were published in the regional newspaper, The Advocate, between 10th October 1973 and 26th May 1975. These books were kindly donated by C. C. Libraries North and have been beautifully re-bound as a result of a generous donation received from the RAHS. An index covering all 3 volumes can be found in a sleeve in the back of each of these books. Due to their large size, they will be stored on the shelf above the Library desk.
AHS145 Last Woman Hanged. Donated by Chris Ullrich, this book tells the true story of Louisa Collins, a 41 year old mother of ten children who, on 8th January 1889, and after four trials, was the first woman hanged at Darlinghurst Gaol and the last woman hanged in New South Wales. I found this a fascinating account of women’s place in society in the late 1800s when women were in no sense equal under the law, except when it came to the gallows.
GUI133 A Guide to Military History on the Internet. A comprehensive introduction for Genealogists and Military Historians. This book will assist those researching this topic and largely contains sites relating to Britain and British military history. It also includes websites relevant for researching American, Australian and Canadian Forces
AHS144 Children of the Back Lanes. Donated by Trish Macdonald, this book examines the history of the various movements to rescue the orphaned and destitute children of NSW between 1788 and 1890, and the controversies which surrounded the ideological goals and the methods of the various schemes. Indexed.
LHS406 Nulladolla 1988. Contributions were sought from Family Historians and descendants of settlers in the district prior to 1888, to produce this very informative early history of the Milton-Ulladulla area. Containing a number of early photographs, a list of persons qualified to vote in the Year 1874-75, short biographies of many local residents and the names of those who are honoured on the local War Memorial, this book was donated by Kerrie Metcalfe. Indexed.
LHS407 Pictures From The Past Volume 2 – Recollections of early life in the Hastings.The selection of photographs in this book dates from around 1850 to 1950 and related information on these photographs is taken from files held within the Port Macquarie Historical Society Museum. Many individuals are named in the photographs included. The book was kindly donated by Lyn Hagstrom
LHS408 Willow Tree and District School Centenary. Donated by Beryl Whatson, this booklet contains brief histories and photographs of a number of schools in the Willow Tree District between 1882 and 1982. The schools includedare Willow Tree, Jacks Creek, Warrah Creek, Bobadil, Ardglen Warrah and Mt. Boo.
LHS409 Concord Public School 125 Years. Records of this school present a story of changing social and ethnic backgrounds, from almost exclusively middle class Anglo-Celtic school students in the 1880s to the 1970s, when over half of the student body was of Italian descent. Included are a list of the Principals from 1880 to 1991 and a number of early class photographs in this book donated by Marilyn Cridland. Indexed.
LHS410 Manning River – The Four Record Floods 1866, 1929, 1930 and 1978. This book is compiled from the reports printed in the Manning Valley newspapers, which brought news of the havoc wrought on the district and the response by the community during the record floods that occurred in the years 1866, 1929, 1930 and 1978. Indexed. ELR074 1984 State Electoral District of Tuggerah. This folder contains listings of those enrolled to vote in Kanwal, Killarney Vale, The Entrance, Toukley and Wyong districts in the State Electoral District of Tuggerah in 1984.
FAM087 From Hampshire to Herne Bay. This book was written and donated by Ellane Garside, a member of our Group. It gives details of her Rampton, Fisher, Ray, Figges, Reynolds, Hawkins, Cole and Crate/Craft/Croft families.
FAM088 From Suffolk to Sydney. Another book written and donated by Ellane Garside. This one tells of Ellane’s families in Suffolk and Australia. Surnames mentioned include Munro, Steggles, Davis, Ryan, Dandy, Pleasance, Fenn and Carter.
GUI132 My Ancestor was Danish. Though written quite a few years ago, this book, on permanent loan to our Group from Beryl Whatson, gives information as to the type of records that you may find if you have Danish ancestry. Also included are details of early maps and counties, names and naming patterns and a list of Danish language characters and words.
LHC047 History of Brooklyn. This is a complete history of this area on the Hawkesbury River from early settlement to the mid-1950s. Includes details of Brooklyn identities as well as a number of very early photographs of those who lived here
LHS404 Wallumetta – A History of Ryde and its District 1792 – 1945. This is an in depth study of the Ryde area from the earliest days of settlement to the end of WWII.
LHS405 Silverton – A Brief History. An interesting view of this outback mining settlement which includes a list of householders taken from the Silverton Alphabetical Directory of 1891. Also included is a directory of the outlying settlements of this town in 1891. Indexed.
REL062 On Darlinghurst Hill. An account of the Catholic Parish of Darlinghurst from its early days to its hundredth anniversary in May 1952. The events that took place during this time and the colourful personalities that helped make them are recorded in this book. Indexed. ATL030 Road Atlas of Britain - 3 Miles to 1 Inch. This book, which is on permanent loan to the Group by fellow member Beryl Whatson, can give you the location of many small towns and hamlets in Britain, some of which have long since disappeared with the coming of the motorways. Indexed.
CHR041 St. Stephens Church Kurrajong – Parish Register Volume 2 1903 – 936. Compiled by the members of the Kurrajong-Comleroy Historical Society FHG, this publication is a transcription of the parish records of St Stephens Anglican Church, Kurrajong, incorporating St Philips Chapel of Ease at North Richmond (formerly called Enfield), St James Church of England at Kurrajong Heights and Salis Flats Mission Church. Also included is a brief history of some of the early settlers. Indexed.
LHS403 Adelong & District Hotels – Pubs of the Past. Donated by Kerrie Metcalfe, this booklet gives a history of the hotels and the development of towns along the Adelong Creek from 1853.
LHV031 Queenscliffe – How to See It 1876 – 77. This is a facsimile edition of a small book which was first published in 1876-77 by the business proprietors of Queenscliffe, Victoria. It describes the township as it was before the arrival of the railway and the building boom of the 1880’s. There are some very interesting advertisements for the various businesses within the town and these are indexed. The book was donated by Kerrie Metcalfe.
LHV032 Lighthouses at Port Phillip Heads. A history of the Lighthouses of this area together with an alphabetical list of the men who manned the Queenscliffe or Point Lonsdale lighthouses and their years of service. Donated by Kerrie Metcalfe.
LHV033 Queenscliffe – The Founding Years. A history of this Victorian town which is now over 150 years old. The town has hosted sea pilots, a fishing industry, a military presence and was one of the first seaside resorts in Victoria. Also included is a list of the inhabitants of the town, taken from the 1856/57 and 1860 electoral rolls and an 1861 directory. Donated by Kerrie Metcalfe.
NSP047 Ireland – Telegraph Bulletin Belfast 28 April 1916, Ireland – The Revolution Papers 24 April 1916, Ireland – The Gaelic American 29 April 1916. These 3 newspapers all relate to the Sinn Fein Rising also known as the Easter Rising, a very interesting time in Irish history and all provide a different view of the troubles at that time. Donated.
REG259 Yackandandah Identities Now and Then. This small book, donated by Kerrie Metcalfe, gives brief biographies of both past and present citizens of this town. As an example, on page 6 we read the story of James Osborne, born in Northern Ireland in 1793 and one of the first white settler farmers in this district. Opposite this story on page 7 is a brief history of George Glass, a current day farmer, who was born in Yackandandah in 1931 and who has lived in this area all of his life.
REG260 Pioneers of the Tumut Valley – The History of Early Settlement. This is the story of the development of the Tumut District and was written to honour the memories and appreciate the spirit of those grand men and women who provided the heritage of this area. Indexed.
REG261 Wild and Wondrous Women of Geelong 1838 – 1859 REG262 Wild and Wondrous Women of Geelong II 1860 - 1869 REG263 Wild and Wondrous Women of Geelong III 1870 – 1879 The above 3 books tell the story of the women of early Geelong who struggled to live through some of the hardest times. Their stories are taken from the Police Court Reports which appeared in the early Geelong Advertisers. Indexed.
CEM101B Ronkana Cemetery Wyong NSW This 2016 edition of an earlier Group publication includes monumental inscriptions, photographs and unmarked graves. I have retained the earlier edition on our Library shelves as it has been found that there was some information in the earlier edition that is not included in the newer records. Please remember that it is most important when you are researching that you check all available records, particularly with cemeteries. Often the earlier records will be of more benefit as time takes its toll on the existing headstones. Indexed.
CEM325 Young Lawn Cemetery. Published in 2016, this book, produced by the Young & District Family History Group Inc., gives details of the 2,985 interments that took place in this cemetery between 29 October 1977 and 29 February 2016. Indexed.
CEM326 St. Matthews Church of England – The Little Anglican Slab Church, The Oaks. Compiled by members of the Camden Area Family History Society, this book provides details of transcripts and burials in this old graveyard located on Old Oaks Road, The Oaks. The churchyard contains the graves of early settlers; among them Suzanah Mileham and Henry Kable Jr. Photographs of the headstones can be found in our CD collection in the cemetery section. Indexed.
CEM327 The Field of Mars Cemetery at Ryde NSW. Published by Ryde District Historical Society in 2016, this book explains the origin of the name, describes the various portions of the cemetery, gives some of the known history of the early years and provides small biographies of many people interred in the various sections of this cemetery. Also included are details of re-interments from Devonshire St Cemetery in Sydney, Balmain Cemetery in Leichardt, Gladesville Hospital Cemetery, St Ann’s Churchyard and Ryde Baptist Cemetery. Indexed.
LHS402 Timbermen of the Wollondilly 1821 – 1991. Researched and compiled by Colin Sproule FAIM for The Oaks Historical Society Inc., this is a record of the timber industry of the Wollondilly Shire. While some of the information contained within has come from Forestry Commission records, newspaper accounts, Library of NSW records and other historical archives, the vast majority of the information has come from oral interviews, which, although cross checked as much as possible, may be subject to scrutiny. Indexed.
REG127B Prospect and Sherwood Pioneer Register Pre 1927. Compiled by the Holroyd Family History Group, this register
REG007 Gosford Times Marriage and Death Notices 1892 - 1954. Incorporating the Wollombi Express (1892-1906) and Wyong District Advocate (1906-1920). While researching details for this latest Wyong Family History Group publication, it was found that many issues of these newspapers were missing for the period 1892 – 1905 and 1941 – 1949. The entries in this book have been extensively researched through other sources to provide, where possible, full details for each entry transcribed from the available newspapers.
LHW071 Wyong Alive – The Story So Far. Donated by Central Coast Council, this book is a record of a program, adopted by Wyong Council in 2012, aimed at inspiring and motivating members of the community to tell their story so others could learn of where we’ve come from, who we are and where we’re going. The names of those who contributed their stories are included in the table of contents. Well worth reading if you live in what was known as the Wyong Shire and are interested in the history of the area.
AHS129 The Snowy – Cradle of a New Australia. Written by Ivan Kobal, this is the story of the ordinary Snowy Mountains Scheme workers, including particularly the men who in the early and tough days of the Scheme’s construction went out into the mountains and gorges of the inhospitable area, living under canvas or at best, rough huts throughout Snowy winters. Their determined efforts, disregard for hardships and loyalty to what the Scheme stood for ended in providing the largest source of renewable energy in mainland Australia.
IND024 The Story of Bob Waterer and his Family 1803 – 2010. This is the story of one family that can trace its Heritage back to Sarah (Biddy) Wallace – a member of the Broken Bay clan led by Bungaree. Featured in the story is Bob Waterer’s great Grandmother, Catherine Bens (1838-1920), who was known to many locals as The Queen of Scotland Island. Packed with many vintage photographs, the book, written by Nan Bosler, also contains an extensive and valuable endnote section.
LHS108 Never step on the swan and other stories – Glimpses of Warringah’s past. This book contains the happy memories of many Warringah locals and tells of their experiences during the Great Depression and the two World Wars, home life, local success stories, leisure, and so on. Some wonderful old photographs are also included.
REG258 Winton Historic Cemetery – A Self-Guided Walking Tour This booklet, donated by Doug Thomas, gives a brief biographical record of 136 people who are buried in the historic section of this Cemetery. Many thanks to Doug who, before presenting this item to the Group, took the trouble to index the names of those included in this publication. The index has been attached to the centre pages of the book.
Pioneer Park – Botany Cemetery – List of Headstones. This book, which was donated by Pat Healion, gives an alphabetical list of the 744 headstones which were “placed in an area to be known as Pioneer Park, for the re-erection and display of the legible stones within the Bunnerong Cemetery”. The headstone of many of Australia’s earliest pioneers can be viewed at Botany Cemetery.
LHQ046 Jondaryan Woolshed. An interesting history of shearing in the early days in the Darling Downs region in Queensland. Some photographs and many stories of those who first settled in this area are included. Donated.
LHS398 Pictures From The Past. This book is an album of old photographs of Moruya and District from the 1870s to the 1930s. There are beautiful photographs of many individuals who lived in this area at the time. Well worth a look if you had family in this area at this time. Donated.
LHS399 The Forgotten Children. Donated by Chris Ullrich, this is the story of Fairbridge Farm School and Its betrayal of Australia’s Child Migrants. This was the first book written by David Hill, a child migrant who came to the Fairbridge Farm School near Molong in 1959. It tells the confronting and at times distressing story of these children. Indexed.
LHS400 The Early History of The Wolli Creek Valley. This is the story about the area immediately south of Cook’s River where the real pioneers of this district first took up land and settled. Many sketches of early buildings in this area are included. Donated.
LHS401 The Bevendale Settlers 1839 – 1917. Donated by Mechelle Collins, this book is an account of the early settlement of Bevendale and adjoining district in the Southern Tablelands area of NSW. Originally known as the “Fish River” area, this was where John Bevan and his wife Ann Maan settled sometime around 1840. This is their family story as well a history of this small rural community. Family Trees and photographs of many of the earliest settlers are included.
SHI048 Ghost Ports of Australia. Written by Jeff Toghill, this book uncovers the fascinating and forgotten stories of more than forty ghost ports that dot Australia’s seaboard and riverbanks. Each port has its own history, romantic or sad, with many stories of pioneering spirit and heroism. Today, all that remains of these ports are rotting piles, rusting bolts, breakwater stones and – ghosts. Indexed. Donated by Jim Raine.
IND023 walata tyamateetj. A guide to government records about Aboriginal people in Victoria in the Public Record Office Victoria and National Archives of Australia with an historical overview by Richard Broome. Indexed. Donated by Helen Burkett. LHS392 Crookwell – The Way We Were. Snippets of history and photographs of the Crookwell district from the 1820’s until about 1950. Donated by Mechele Collins.
LHS393 Stepping Back – Goulburn Residents remember when…….31 residents were interviewed and their stories provide an interesting glimpse into Goulburn’s past. This book has a comprehensive index and was also donated by Mechele Collins. Mechele obviously had a close connection to this area as she also donated the following 4 books.
LHS394 The Mullengrove Story. This book gives us the history of Mullengrove School between 1884 and 1964. It includes photographs and lists of students from the earliest days and will be of great interest to those who may have had family in this area.
LHS395 All About Wheeo. A wonderful book that tells us of the social history of this town which was settled in the late 1820s. It also includes a list of many of those buried various church cemeteries as well as those buried in the area in unmarked graves. Details of those who served in both World Wars are also included in this book.
LHS396 Cuttianguiianiong Otherwise Known as Laggan. This is a brief history of Laggan, NSW, and the pioneers who settled there. They mainly came from Scotland and Ireland. A full list of the pioneering families in this town in 1867 as well as many old photographs are included in this book.
LHS397 From Range to River – History of Cotta Walla-Third Creek and Pejar. This book attempts to piece together as much of the history of the area as possible, in an effort to records something of the early days before the information is lost in the mists of time. Once again, a number of wonderful old photographs are included.
NOV056 Cargo of Women. A novel by Babette Smith. Donated by Tracey Mansergh, this novel tells the story of Susannah Watson, Ann Kinsman and Sarah Bryant who became part of the cargo of women convicts aboard the Princess Royal, bound for Botany Bay. It tells of how the women’s lives continue to overlap and interweave, and how, as they struggle to come to terms with their lives as prisoners and learn to endure their servitude, they draw comfort and support from each other.
REL061 History of Churches in Taralga and District. There were many churches in this district in the early days of settlement and this book gives a brief history of all of them. It also includes, amongst others, an interesting photograph of Mr William Hutchings and his wife of Rose Hill farm. Mr Hutchings died in 1903 aged 100 years.
IRL024 General Alphabetical Index to the Townlands and Towns, Parishes and Baronies of Ireland 1851. This book gives detail relating to the 1851 Census of Ireland. It notes the area of the various Townlands, Parishes and Baronies, the number of the sheet of the ordnance survey maps in which they appear and also the County, Barony, Parish and Paw Law Union in which the Townlands are situated. REG146F Port Phillip Pioneer Profiles Volume Six. This is the last volume that has been published in the on-going quest to record details of all early pioneers in the Port Phillip area in Victoria.
REG251 Residents and Settlers Register Crookwell District pre 1888. This book was an early attempt by the members of the Crookwell & District Historical Society to record details of some of the early pioneers. Details included were taken from existing Court records of the time and information supplied by descendants. Entries are listed alphabetically by surname.
REG252 Obituaries, Deaths, Inquests Pre 1901 Crookwell and District. This book gives some thrilling and tragic stories to what life was like for pioneering families of Crookwell and surrounding districts in the last half of the 19th century. Neighbouring areas of Taralga, Gurrunda, Mummel and, occasionally, Gunning and Goulburn have been included. Entries listed alphabetically by surname.
REG253 A Patchwork of Bannaby. This book is compiled from information and photographs collected by members and friends of Taralga Historical Society Inc. While it begins with a short section of social and local history, the majority of the book consists of family histories which tell of what is known of the men and women who had homes and reared their families in the Bannaby district.
REG254 Pioneers of the Area Around Golspie and Where They Lived. The area now known as Golspie was formerly known as Cutty-cutty-ang, Gidda-gidda-ang and other similar names. This is the story of the pioneers of this area.
REG255 Guinecor to Bubalahla. This book focuses on those residents living in the district between the Guinecor and Bubalahla from 1826 to 1950. It begins with a short social history of the area which is followed by family histories, many of which include historical photographs of those who first settled here.
REG256 More About Myrtleville. Myrtleville, now a pastoral area on the Southern Tablelands of NSW was one of the earliest settled regions of the County of Argyle. This book once again begins with a short social history of the area and then continues on to tell of the families who settled here. A Table of Contents is included.
REG257 Around Wowagin. Some of the place names featured in this book are Wowagin, Commissioner’s Creek, Redbank, Black Crow Flat, Stonequarry, Dick’s Flat, Teralga Creek, Woolshed Creek, Strathaird, Scabby Flat, Tyrl Tyrl and Curroobungolan to name just a few. Family Histories and wonderful old photographs flesh out the stories of the pioneers of this area. List of contents included.
FAM083 My Gloucestershire Families by E. M. Garside. WFHG member Ellane Garside has researched and produced these four Family History books FAM083 – FAM086. This volume includes details of her Summers, Jordan, Arkwell, Jones, Butt, Ballinger, Ockford, Limbrick, Terrett, Test, Edwards, Holder and Canton families in England. It then gives details of the Summers family after they emigrated to Sydney Australia.
FAM084 My Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Families by E. M. Garside. Blades, Rowledge, Loveday, Chattell, Angel and Shepherd are just some of the surnames mentioned in this part of Ellane’s story. Copies of certificates, photographs and other original documents are included to give proof of her research.
FAM085 My Sussex Families by E. M Garside. This volume concentrates on the Smith and Attree names and also includes the story of the Smith family in Australia.
FAM086 My Yorkshire and Lancashire Families by E. M. Garside. Many surnames are mentioned in this book including details of the Garside family in Australia, Yorkshire and Lancashire.
GUI131 Complete iPad for Seniors. An easy step-by-step user guide donated by Roger Lewis for mature iPad or iPad mini users. It explains apps, internet, email & social networking.
MIL100 A Carefree War by Ann Howard. Ann tells of a time when people were so terrified of the Japanese taking over Australia in WW11, that they sent their children away from the coast and from key war areas, for a few months or sometimes up to three years. She interviewed over 100 contributors and their stories paint a vivid picture of the largest upheaval in Australia since white settlement. Indexed.
REG146B Port Phillip Pioneer Profiles Volume Two. The following registers give the stories, in brief, of some of Victoria’s early settlers. They also tell of the ships on which the pioneers arrived in Port Phillip and give details of the voyage. These registers REG146A – 146E are essential reading for anyone who had family arrive in Australia via Port Phillip and all are well indexed.
REG146C Port Phillip Pioneer Profiles Volume Three REG146D Port Phillip Pioneer Profiles Volume Four REG146E Port Phillip Pioneer Profiles Volume Five
ENG011 Criminal Ancestors – A Guide to Historical Criminal Records in England and Wales. Studying the records relating to criminal law can shed light on the activities and movements of some of our ancestors to say nothing of resolving the reason for a person’s disappearance. This book tells us of the many types of records available to researchers and where to find them. It also gives many examples of these records and has a very good index of the names included in the examples. LHS389
‘Neath Mount Sugarloaf. Donated by Judy Paterson, this book gives a brief pictorial history of West Wallsend near Newcastle NSW. This district lies below the eastern slopes of Mount Sugarloaf and the stories included were submitted by long-time members of the community.
LHS390 Pictorial History – Hornsby Shire. Donated by Jean Macleay, this is a detailed history of the Hornsby Shire which includes many wonderful photographs of many of the people who lived and worked in this area at the turn of the 20th century. Indexed.
LHS391 A Pictorial History of Ryde. This book was also donated by Jean Macleay and sets out to tell a story about the development of Ryde from 1792 until the 1960s, primarily through photographs. It also has a very good listing of local photographers who were active in the area over time and tells where you can find copies of their work. MIL099
Diggers and Greeks. An informative, well written book which has been donated by Denis Dean. It provides a compelling account of why, in 1941, Australia sent its troops to Greece to help its allies fight the Germans. It tells of how the Greek people risked death to help their allies in what proved to be a suicidal mission. Indexed.
CD570 ROOKWOOD WALLS & GARDENS 1960 – 2016. Columbarium Vol 2 – 2133. Photographs of Plaques, Links to Military Records and Newspaper Articles. Includes Index for Volumes 1 & 2. Found in CD Collection, Cemetery folder, in the computer room opposite the Library on PC’s 1,2,4 & 5.
CD571 ROOKWOOD WALLS & GARDENS 1950 – 2016. Columbrium Vol.3 - 2138 Photographs of Plaques, Links to Military Records and Newspaper Notices. Includes Index for Volumes 1,2 &3.Found in CD Collection, Cemetery folder, in the computer room opposite the Library on PC’s 1,2,4 & 5.
CD572 BURWOOD – ST PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 1940 – 2017. Columbrium Walls & Gardens. Found in CD Collection, Cemetery folder, in the computer room opposite the Library on PC’s 1,2,4 & 5.
CD573 CENTRAL COAST – THE MUSTER JOURNAL 1983 – 2016. CCFHG Journal collection, a fully searchable collection. Found on the NSW & Journal Reader.
CD574 THE NAVAL CHRONOLOGY OF GR BRITIAN 1803 – 1816. A historical account of Naval and Maritime events, including memoirs of distinguished Naval officers. Found in CD Collection, NZ, SHIPPING, ENGLAND, in the computer room opposite the Library on PC’s 1,2,4 & 5.
Thanks must go to Roger Lewis for donating this CD. CD567SURREY BURIAL INDEX 1855 – 1950 Includes Dorking Municipal Cemetery Burial records 1855 -1950. Godalming, Eashing Cemetery Burial Index 1900 – 1953. Lodalming, Nightingale Cemetery Burial index 1857 – 1955. Found in CD Collection, England folder, in the computer room opposite the library on PC’s 1, 2, 4 & 5. CD568 SURREY MARRIAGES TO 1837 212,150 Marriages from early 1600’s – 1837. (1813 – 1837 not complete). Found in CD Collection, England folder, in the computer room opposite the library on PC’s 1, 2, 4 & 5.
CD569 SURREY POOR LAW INDEX & CALENDER. This CD contains an index and calendar of all known Poor Law papers for the Parishes of rural Surrey. Found in CD Collection, England folder, in the computer room opposite the library on PC’s 1, 2, 4 & 5.
Thanks must go to Denis Dean who donated the above CD’s. CD564 LOG OF LOGS 1, 2, 3 Digital, fully searchable copy of this basic research tool. Found in CD Collection in the computer room opposite the library on PC’s 1, 2, 4 & 5.
CD565 NZSG KIWI COLLECTION V.2. This resource includes all information previously found on NZSG versions 4 & 5 with more data added. Look under the all Records Drop Down List for a full list of records available. Find on desktop of PC 1 in computer room opposite the Library. Donated by Roger Lewis LM127 CD561 Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire & Lancashire Parish Records. Includes Yorkshire: Calverley Parish Registers 1574 – 1680, Nottinghamshire: Walesby Parish Register from 1594 and Lancashire: Penwortham-Nottinghamshire Coroner’s Inquests 1485 – 1558. Find under CD Collection icon on desktop > England folder on computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 in the Computer room opposite the Library.
CD562 Hampshire, Kent, Surrey & Sussex Parish Records. Includes Hampshire: marriage licences, Bishop of Winchester 1689 – 1837 Kent: Canterbury- St. Dunstan christenings, marriages and burials 1559 – 1800, Suffolk: Wills of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk 1625 – 1626, Surrey: Wandsworth Parish Registers 1603 – 1787 and Sussex: wills and administrations preserved in the District Probate Court of Lewes. Find under CD Collection icon on desktop > England folder on computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 in the Computer room opposite the Library.
CD563 Cornwall, Devon, Dorset & Somerset Parish Records. Includes Devon & Cornwall wills and administrations proved in the Bishop of Exeter 1559 – 1799, Devon: Barnstaple Parish Register 1538 – 1812, Dorset: Beer Hacket Parish Register 1549 – 1812, Gloucestershire: Devon, Cornwall & Gloucester wills and administrations proved in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Exeter 1532 – 1800 and Somerset: Durston Parish Register 1712 – 1812. Find under CD Collection icon on desktop > England folder on computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 in the Computer room opposite the Library.
CD564 Carr Villa Memorial Park, Launceston, Tasmania 1905 – 2001. Gives full name of deceased, their age, date of death and date of memorial service, burial details including area, location and site number, name of the funeral director and whether a headstone exists and the registration number of the death. A comment field will sometimes include further information. Find under CD Collection icon on the desktop > Cemetery and Tasmania folders on computers 1, 2, 4 & 5 in the computer room opposite the Library.
The 4 CDs listed above were kindly donated by Joanne Flack. CD554 Teachers 1925 – NSW Public Service List. This CD gives a list of teachers permanently employed in High, Intermediate High and Primary Schools on 31 December 1925. Gives name, date of birth, first appointment and salary details. Open CD Collection on the desktop on Computer 1, 2, 4 or 5 in the computer room opposite the Library and then open the NSW folder where you will find this among many other interesting CDs relating to records for NSW. Recently installed CDs can also be found under the NEW SOFTWARE icon on computers 1, 2, 4 and 5.
CD555 NSW Public Service List 1934. This CD does not include records for teachers. It shows full name, date of birth, office held, first appointment to service, date of present position (1934) and details of salary and allowances. Find under CD Collection> NSW Folder> Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5.
CD556 Queensland Directory 1903. Wise’s Queensland Post Office and Official Directory for 1903 includes an index to contents, street index of Brisbane, index to advertisers, as well as an alphabetical directory of the people whose details appear in this publication. Find under CD Collection> Queensland Folder> Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5.
CD557 Mudgee Church Records. This CD includes Church of England Baptisms 1840’s to 1860’s, Mudgee District Church Weddings 1840’s to 1890’s, Presbyterian Baptisms 1897 – 1920s and later and Roman Catholic Baptisms 1840’s – 1890’s. Find under CD Collection> NSW Folder> Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5.
CD558 NSW Educational Gazette June 1893 to May 1895. Includes a list of teacher appointments and promotions during this time, personal notices on occasion of death, retirement and resignation and a small number of obituaries. Also included are lists of student examination and university results. Find under CD Collection> NSW Folder> Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5.
CD559 Pugh’s Almanac and Queensland Directory 1895. Includes an index to advertisements, general index, index to ports and harbours, index to postal and other routes, tide tables, table of rainfall in Queensland during 1893 and a full copy of the Almanac. Find under CD Collection> Queensland Folder> Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5.
The 6 CDs listed above were kindly donated to the Group by fellow member Joanne Flack and we thank her very much for this contribution to our records.
CD550 Nowra General Cemetery Presbyterian Portion. Includes known burials, transcriptions and photographs of existing headstones in this cemetery.
CD551 Nowra Old Roman Catholic Cemetery. Known burials, transcriptions and photographs of headstones in this North Street, Nowra cemetery.
CD552 Nowra General Cemetery Roman Catholic Portion. Also includes known burials, transcriptions and photographs of existing headstones. Information on the above 3 new Cemetery CDs can be searched by clicking on the CD Collection icon on Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 and then opening the Cemetery folder. All cemeteries in this folder are listed alphabetically by place.
CD553 NSW Court Records 1842. An index to all names appearing in Supreme Court Jurisdiction information and other case papers held by State Records NSW in item numbers (9/6324) – (9/6326). CD Collection > Court Records folder on computers 1, 2, 4 and 5
CD554 Beechworth Gold Mining Lease applications 1860 – 1865. An index to names of those applying for gold mining leases at Beechworth, Victoria between 1860 and 1865. Original records are held at the Public Record Office Victoria. CD Collection > Victoria folder > computers 1, 2, 4 and 5
CD543 Oxfordshire Parish Register Transcripts. Donated by Wendy McLean, transcripts on this CD cover Witney Registration District volume 2. They include Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1538 – 1996. Details of “How to search this CD” can be found in the white CD information folder on the shelf in the computer room opposite the Library. The CD is able to be accessed via: Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > CD Collection (icon on desktop) > England Folder
CD544 The Oaks – St Matthews Church of England Cemetery Photos. This CD contains headstone photographs referred to in in the cemetery book CEM326The Oaks - St. Matthews C of E - Little Slab Anglican Church which can be found in the Library. Access is via: Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > CD Collection (icon on desktop) > Cemeteries Folder
CD545 Toowoomba – Black Gully 1840s – 1914. A local history of this manufacturing centre of Toowoomba containing details and photographs of many individuals connected to the area. It was donated to our Group by Toowoomba & Darling Downs Family History Society and is able to be accessed via: Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > CD Collection (icon on desktop) > Queensland Folder
CD546 Doctors, Ratcatchers and Quarantine In Between 1895 – 1913. This is an index to those whose names appeared in the Board of Health Salary Registers 1895 – 1913, which are available at State Records, Kingswood, NSW. Those who worked for the Board at this time included mattress makers, ratcatchers (during the Bubonic plague), fumigators, lazaret, members of the clergy, bacon house inspectors, medical officers, ambulance drivers and nurses. Details available on: Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > CD Collection (icon on desktop) > NSW Folder
CD547 Wallsend – St Luke’s Anglican Church 1862 – 1985. This CD provides a searchable index to baptisms, marriages and burials in the registers of this second oldest Anglican Church in the Newcastle area. Available on: Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > CD Collection (icon on desktop) > NSW Folder
CD548 Rookwood Columbarium Walls and Gardens Volume 1. Includes 2280 photographs of plaques and is fully indexed with links to military records and newspaper notices. This is the first, in a planned series of CDs, which will give access to these records which are not currently online. Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > CD Collection (icon on desktop) > Cemeteries Folder
CD549 Liverpool General Cemetery 1892 – 2014. Included on this CD are transcriptions, copies of burial registers and photographs of headstones for those buried in this cemetery between 1892 and 2014. Also included, are details for those in unmarked graves. This Liverpool Cemetery resource was published by a different group to those who previously compiled the Liverpool Cemetery records which we already hold in book form, as well as on microfiche, in our rooms. If you have an interest in someone buried in this Cemetery, please consult the CD, the books and the microfiche. You may find differences in the information contained within the various resources due to time and the accessibility of records. Computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > CD Collection (icon on desktop) > Cemeteries Folder
CD537 Convict Ships 1787 – 1868. Donated by Chris Wheeler, this is a digital copy of the book CON034 which can be found in the Convict section on Wall 1 in the Library. Information contained on this CD includes research into hundreds of journals of Ship’s Surgeons and tells of the transport of prisoners from Britain to Australia between 1787 and 1868. If you don’t have time to read the book, why not search this CD for the name of your convict or the ship they arrived on? You may be surprised at what you will find. This CD can be found under the CD Collection icon on computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 in both the Convict and Shipping folders.
The following map records were donated by Jeff Madden after his interesting talk on Map Presentation at the July General Meeting.
CD538 Australian Colony Maps 1788 – 1988. Shows State borders from 1788 – 1988 and gives detail of when and how each State was founded. CD Collection icon > computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > Australia folder.
CD539 Europe Maps. Includes Austria, Hungary and the Balkan Nations 1914, Central Europe 1815 – 1866, Europe 1900, German Empire 1914 and Races in Central and Eastern Europe 1914. CD Collection icon > computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > Europe folder.
CD540 NSW Parish Maps. Includes parishes and towns in the counties of Argyle, Bathurst, Bligh, Brisbane, Camden, Cook, Cumberland, Durham, Georgiana, Gloucester, Hunter, King, Murray, Northumberland, Phillip, Roxburgh, St Vincent, Wellington and Westmoreland. CD Collection icon > computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > NSW folder.
CD541 NSW County Maps. Includes the original 19 counties of NSW, major country towns of NSW and the NSW Cadastral Divisions. CD Collection icon > computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > NSW folder.
CD542 UK Historic County Maps. Includes the historic counties, and the major cities within these counties, of England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland. CD Collection icon > computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 > England, Ireland and Scotland
CD536 Bowden Family Funerals – Wyong Shire. Burial records for the Wyong Shire from July 1999 to January 2015. These records give Name, Date and Place of Death, Burial Date and Place, plus Birth Date and Place in most cases. This CD can be searched in the Cemeteries and Wyong folders on computers 1, 2, 4 and 5 under the CD Collection icon on the desktop on each of these 4 computers.