We had nearly 70 people booked in, and although a couple of members called in sick, we had such a good roll-up we had to relocate to the larger auditorium. Wyong RSL was very accommodating, as usual and did the setup for us, and we were able to get in early to arrange our computer equipment and refreshment tables. Lunch was provided with a minimum of fuss, and everyone managed to get back to the auditorium in time for the afternoon sessions.
Our major raffle of a year’s subscription to Ancestry.com which was generously donated by Ben was won by our member Helen Hord (Black D45) who was present on the day. At the end of the seminar, Glenise brought up the subject that many of the members present did not have their own subscription to Ancestry.com, but used the Library edition available through the WFHG Cottage. So Ben then magnanimously donated another year’s subscription, for those who did not have their own subscription, and this was won by a very happy Pam Mansergh (Black D09).
There were no handouts on the day, but we are hoping to get some sent up, which we will distribute if required to those who attended.
Martin and I would like to thank our helpers on the day – Roger for the IT equipment, Michele and Susan on the checkin desk, Eileen and Janet selling all those raffle tickets, Helen who buzzed around taking photos (these will appear in various places), and Anne who set up the refreshment tables that kept us going all day. These events are always a group effort, and if you don’t notice and things run smoothly, then they are a success.
Kerry Clarke - Secretary